Sunday, December 16, 2007


i cut people's heads off. i don't mean to. i don't think about it. that's just the way my eye works. i think it's because i'm so focused on people's eyes. the way they connect with you, the way they look at the world, that sparkle that some get. i like to be up close and in the middle of that. i'm never looking at the very tip-top of people's heads.
now, i don't ALWAYS cut off the tops of the head. I have lots and lots of photos with the peak intact. but it happens a lot and these are usually the ones that people fall in love with.
this gem, by the way, is the son of one of our wedding couples. he's awfully cute and may repay his mom someday for her angry teen years. (from what she's told me.)
do you wish you could see the top of his crown?

1 comment:

mandy miller said...

to: mm

i *love* when you cut people's heads off...well, in photographs that is. wait, i like both ways. you have pretty good head-cutting-off skills being the ninja you are. HIIIIIYAH! love this photo.

from: mm